4th of July breakfast: much more than American


It was breakfast on the Fourth, but, like all worthy things American, it was a healthy mix.

It was basically classic American fried eggs and bacon, but the eggs and the small pieces of bacon both came from an Amish farm, as did the single link of ‘Polish’ kielbasa; the toast was from a heal of a rustic French-style loaf, a Balthazar rye boule; the herbs were both traditional English (lovage and parsley) and very Italian (calamint); there were cuttings from spring red-skin shallots, arguably pretty much a [new] American thing; finally, and probably the most exotic, an absolutely wonderful aromatic Middle-Eastern-style seasoning blend, ‘L’eKama‘.

There was excellent coffee: for me, espresso as usual, after an iced milk (very American), an iced Americano with milk for Barry.