spicy salmon, paprika sweet potatoes, radish greens


This was one of the most beautiful pieces of salmon I had ever seen in my kitchen, and tonight I believe we were able to honor this noble fish as one of the most perfect salmon entrées I have ever enjoyed.  The simple, excellent recipe is from Mark Bittman, and it was published in the Times over three years ago.  The roasted sweet potato recipe (which includes only the tubers, olive oil, salt, paprika) is of the most extreme simplicity, and totally inspired.  The greens (peppery radish leaves) are something normally discarded as soon as they arrive in the kitchen, but they are among my favorites.



  • a fillet of wild Sockeye salmon (previously frozen) from Whole Foods (and very attractively priced today), which I first skinned, then seasoned with salt and pepper, rubbed with a mixture of ground coriander seeds, ground cloves, ground cumin, and grated nutmeg, fried over medium-high heat in an enameled, cast iron pan for about 3 minutes on each side, removed from the pan, and, while allowed to rest for a couple minutes, covered with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and a bit of olive oil (it was as delicious as it looks here – maybe even more so)
  • Japanese sweet potatoes from from Norwich Meadows Farm, scrubbed and cut into large chunks, tossed in a bowl with olive oil, salt, and pepper, then spread onto a trusty, well-seasoned Pampered Chef ceramic oven pan and roasted for about 45 minutes (ending up slightly crispy on the outside, almost creamy on the inside)
  • radish greens from Norwich Meadows Farm, wilted with olive oil in which a halved garlic clove from Norwich Meadows Farm had been allowed to sweat for a bit, seasoned with salt, pepper, and a bit more olive oil
  • the wine was a fine California red, Chalone Vineyard Monterey County 2012 Pinot Noir
