and one piece of egg (actually two, but at least they’ve been arranged as they were in the pan)
- the ingredients were relatively few (few at least for our breakfast room table): 6 fresh eggs from pastured chickens and 4 slices of bacon from pastured pigs, all from Pennsylvania’s Millport Dairy Farm in the Union Square Greenmarket, the eggs, while they were being fried, seasoned with a newly-introduced local Long Island sea salt (P.E. & D.D. Seafood), freshly ground black pepper, sprinkled with chopped lovage from Keith’s Farm, and tiny buds from an onion flower stem from Norwich Meadows Farm; a few very ripe tomatoes from Alex’s Tomato Farm in the Saturday Chelsea’s Down to Earth Farmers Market only one block west of us, punctured first, then heated inside a small antique blue Pyrex skillet in a little olive oil and a small amount of thinly sliced rocambole garlic scapes from Keith’s Farm until the tomatoes were a little more than warm, seasoned with sea salt and black pepper, mixed with some chopped dill from Stokes Farm and arranged on the plates with a few leaves of a small head of red and green lettuce from Campo Rosso Farm already dressed with salt, pepper, a few drops of Whole Foods Market house Portuguese olive oil, and even fewer drops of organic lemon from Whole Foods; and lightly toasted slices of Pain D’Avignon ‘seven grains bread’ from Foragers Market
- the music, consciously chosen to relate to a Target Margin Theater performance we were attending later that afternoon, was the album, ‘Sacred Bridges: Psalms of David’ (Jewish, Christian and Muslim Psalms from the 16th & 17th Cent.), performed by the remarkable group, Ensemble Sarband, directed by Vladimir Ivanoff
[the image at the bottom is from Sarband]