Search for bacon and eggs - 116 results found

breakfast in greens

Maybe it’s just the season, but without intending it, lately I seem to be coming up with almost monochromatic meals. Sometimes I don’t realize this until I’ve snapped the picture, and then of course it’s too late. Especially before I added a rasher of bacon, the breakfast/lunch I put on the table today, while not …

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breakfast ‘without’

It was breakfast without bacon and without tomatoes. Also new this time: No broken yolks, and somehow the whites came off with something of a geometric perfection as well. the list of what there was: blue eggs from Millport Dairy Farm free-range Americauna chickens; husk cherries from Oak Grove Plantation that were there because I …

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breakfast without Scrapple

There was supposed to be fried scrapple. I have absolutely no experience serving scrapple, so I enlisted a little help on line after I had found some in the Union Square Greenmarket for the first time ever. I’m sure I read somewhere yesterday that it would be much easier to get a firm, proper slice for frying if …

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breakfast with fenugreek

I’m developing an obsession with fenugreek. After our experience with it on eggs this morning (afternoon), it will be difficult for me to keep it away from our late Sunday breakfasts. It’s not as if there were no other seasonings involved, but the fenugreek I purchased from Nirmala Gupta’s ‘Bombay Emerald Chutney Company‘ at Chelsea’s Down to …

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