Search for bacon and eggs - 116 results found

Easter eggs (with trimmings)

Easter eggs. for breakfast today, there were naturally-light blue-colored Americauna eggs from Millport Dairy Farm, topped with very-thinly-sliced green sections of green garlic from John D. Madura Farm, a piece of crushed dried darker gold/yellow habanada pepper, Maldon salt, and freshly-ground black pepper, and garnished with micro scallion from Two Guys from Woodbridge; some awesome …

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fried eggs and scrapple, toasts and garlic chives

Today, after encountering some difficulties in slicing the loaf the first time I tried, one week ago, I finally arranged to serve a breakfast (actually a late lunch) of eggs and, ..scrapple! Okay, it does look somewhat monochromatic; I don’t know why I couldn’t have introduced a cherry tomato or two. Although conventional wisdom would describe this as a Lancaster County breakfast, it would not …

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simple breakfast, with some low-key spice, and Messiaen

There were several internationally-sourced ‘spicy’ elements, broadly understood, in this breakfast, including Indian black pepper, a heatless Cornel habañero, peppery Connecticut nasturtium leaves, and a Basque piment powder. Otherwise it was mostly bacon and eggs and toast. There were six pastured chicken eggs from John Stoltzfoos’ Millport Dairy Farm stall in the Union Square Greenmarket, fried sunny …

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