We both chose the blowfish on our own, without any visual stimulus, and unanimously (Barry by responding to the photo I had sent him of the fish board that day, via Slack), but the vegetable seemed to have invited itself, once I had spotted two bunches of long beans that remained on the farmer’s table …
Search for blowfish - 5 results found
mustard-floured blowfish; sautéed cucumber, wild tomato
It’s not that each is so photogenic, but that there are always multiples. They’e also simply, literally, delicious. Here the cleaned blowfish are still in the fishmonger’s tub: Now home, on the counter, after breading: And just after being placed in the pan of hot olive oil: I never deep fry anything, although this …
mustard-floured fried blowfish; thyme-roasted asparagus
I had a huge variety of seafood to choose from yesterday all at this one Union Square Greenmarket stand, but I knew almost immediately which I would pick. They are a great seasonal treat in New York, and after some initial skepticism, I’ve grown fond of them. There’s also this: I’m still not sure why, …
fried blowfish; tomatillo-tomato-shallot-fennel-lovage salsa
I used to be puzzled by the people who get so excited about the arrival of blowfish in the local fish market (in the big piscivore picture, their numbers may not be large, but it always seemed like I was the only one who didn’t get it). I get it now. As I wrote last September, they …
blowfish; grilled eggplant, garlic, marjoram; tomato; cheese
For some reason I can no longer remember, I had persuaded myself long ago that I had no interest in blowfish. In any event, after last night’s meal, that’s changed. I had seen recently on Twitter that these little guys were back in town (thanks to our hard-working Long Island fishermen and the Union Square Greenmarket). …