It was a very good breakfast, not least for the fact that all 6 yolks survived for once.
There seemed to be a lot of bacon this time, although, because most slices were very thin, the total weight may have been about the same as usual. In any event the kitchen heard no complaints.
- there were eggs from pastured chickens and bacon from pastured pigs, both from Millport Dairy Farm; Backyard Farms Maine ‘cocktail tomatoes’ from Whole Foods Market; local (regional) Organic Valley ‘Cultured Pasture Butter’, also from Whole Foods Market; half of a fresh yellow grenada seasoning pepper from Eckerton Hill Farm; chopped fresh thyme from Keith’s Farm on the eggs and whole oregano leaves from Stokes Farm on the tomatoes; Maldon salt; freshly-ground black pepper; pea shoots from Echo Creek Farm, in our local Saturday Chelsea Farmers Market; and both fresh and toasted slices of 3 different breads (a potato levain from Runner & Stone Bakery, a She Wolf Bakery miche, and a Pain d’Avignon seven grain loaf)
- the music was an oratorial by Pietro Torri, ‘La Vanità del mondo’, first performed during Lent in 1706, at the Brussels court of the Spanish Netherlands, during the War of the Spanish Succession (I found every piece of this description equally exciting)