This meal may be the one I repeat in our kitchen most often. It’s a Mark Bittman recipe which I cut out of the New York Times 15 years ago (Note: I’ve learned to use only about two thirds of the suggested amount of olive oil; any more than that and you’ll probably find the potatoes …
Search for monkfish potatoes - 27 results found
monkfish on potatoes, olives, bay; cavolo nero
This has become another recipe favorite of ours. It’s from Mark Bittman. It’s even more attractive for being amenable to the use of most any firm white fish as its star. monkfish from Blue Moon Fish, roasted on top of thinly-sliced German Butterball potatoes from Keith’s Farm which had already been roasted in a very generous amount …
lemon/rosemary/anchovy-roasted lotte; potatoes; chard
It happened again. The second appearance of this astonishing dish was as delicious, simply assembled, and good looking as the first. I had used the same lotte recipe for the preparation (in the U.S., it’s usually called ‘monkfish’) just a few weeks ago, but yesterday at the Greenmarket I was seduced by two perfect ‘tails’. …
lemon/rosemary/anchovy-roasted lotte; potatoes; greens
It was my first stab at this wonderful, shockingly simple dish, and the recipe had been sitting on our bookshelf for over 15 years. It’s from ‘Italian Easy London River Cafe’ (page 131 in my copy), one of my favorite cookbooks. It also ended up looking far more interesting than the formula would have suggested …
monkfish roasted with potato, olive, bay; fava greens, mint
It’s called Monkfish around here, but it’s also the delicacy the French call Lotte, the Italians Coda di rospo, the Spanish Cola de Rape, the Germans Seeteufel, and the English Anglerfish. Whatever it’s known as, it’s a delicious fish, and not really like any other. I love this dish, and the fact that the monkfish can …
hake, potatoes, laurel, oil-cured olives; purple kale, garlic
This hearty ‘fish and potatoes’ dish has been one of our favorites ever since I saw the Mark Bittman recipe in the Times in 1999 (By the way, I’ve learned to use only about two thirds of the suggested amount of olive oil; any more than that and you’ll probably find the potatoes swimming in it at the end). We never …
roasted monkfish, potato, olive, bay; tomato, scallion, herbs
This is a hearty meal which could certainly be served in the summer, but it tastes even better when the season is cooler. It’s something of a harbinger of fall, and it’s a favorite for both of us. The formula is wonderful, and, making it even more wonderful is its versatility: Its author, Mark Bittman, says, …
monkfish with potato, olives, bay, fennel; arugula, tomato
It’s very hard for me to imagine anyone dreaming up this recipe for the first time. It wouldn’t seem to be a natural approach for preparing any fish, but its author, Mark Bittman, says, “The recipe can be finished with almost any firm fish fillet.” Here we have a piece, or pieces, of a familiar, undramatic white fish fillet, and …
monkfish Dijon style (Lotte Pierre Franey); rapini
I don’t cook with mushrooms nearly enough. I’ve promised myself I’d do better this year. monkfish from P.E. & D.D. Seafood, prepared ‘Dijon Style’ using my spring allium variation of this vintage Pierre Franey recipe; my ingredients included Shiitake mushrooms from Bulich Mushroom Farm, one stem of spring garlic from Norwich Meadows Farm, ramps from Lucky Dog Organic, and …
monkfish on potato, bay, olives, with pea sprouts
The addition of pea sprouts is the only thing that distinguishes this entrée, which is one of our favorites, from this or several other of its antecedents on this site, but it was also enough to bring it gently into this spring season. two monkfish tails from American Seafood Company, roasted on top of a bed of …